Tracey – How Much Does She Need to Retire?

“We’ll answer your questions.”

Tracey told us this was so valuable because all of the questions she wasn’t game to ask were smothering her thinking.

She was unable to think about retirement because every time she did, her brain threw out ten questions she couldn’t answer.

What Is a Risk Profile, Anyway?

So why, then, if risk is perhaps THE most crucial element of the financial world, is most stuff written about it so bloody boring?

Are You an Investor – or a Gambler? – April 2022

Like a spectator at halftime at the MCG, they’ve been bombarded with messages from people who profit from them making the wrong choice. Because, let’s face it, there’s a lot more money to be made convincing people to do the easy thing that’s wrong, than the hard thing that’s right.

The Risks and Rewards of Fire

And these experiences translate into real reluctance to go anywhere near the fire again. “No way – I’m not going to do anything with money, it’s too hard/risky/scary/intimidating/confusing.”

Then their divorce starts.

The Sky is Falling. (Maybe). Feb 2022

And it’s very easy to get swept up in this sentiment. It’s easy to get scared, or worried, about how things are going.

It’s easy to think the market is going to hell in a handbasket, that this time is different, that it will never recover and all our money will be lost, forever.

Six Stones – 2. Income Protection Part 2.

This can mean that while you were paying for $750 a month of cover, you’re really only entitled to $525 per month.

This means that regularly reviewing your policy – every few years, or at least when you have a change in your income – is critically important, especially for Income Protection.

Six Stones – 2. Income Protection Insurance

Think of Income Protection as the cousin of TPD insurance. If you’re ‘disabled’, you will receive a payment every month until either you can return to work, or you reach the end of the policy’s benefit period.

Six Stones – 2. Life Insurance

To be blunt – it pays when you die.

Which is why we call Life Insurance one of the simpler types: the claim event is pretty black-or-white…