Six Stones – 1. Managing Your Money

So I shut up about budgets a long time ago.

Now we talk about managing your money – and focus on keeping it simple.

Which is why – after a lot of reading, a lot of experience with our clients and more than a little trial and error – we’ve built our Money Management System.

We’ve set it up so that it’s easy, simple and you’ll get some quick ‘wins’ so you can see you’re making progress right away.

Six Stones – Confidence

These questions – and plenty like them – have probably crossed your mind since you recently became single.

It’s a big change and changes like this will undermine your confidence in a million different ways.

You might have lost faith in your ability to make good decisions.

You might worry that you’ll do something stupid. Or wrong.

You might be nervous about seeming, or sounding, silly when talking about things you haven’t really dealt with before.

That’s all completely natural.

10 Questions – The Settlement (Part 2)

However, one reason it’s important to take care working through this stage is because the decisions and actions you take here will have a significant impact on the life you lead in the future.

In short – it’s vital that you avoid letting your ‘current self’ limit your future options.

10 Questions – The Settlement (Part 1)

There are, naturally, other steps to take during a divorce.

One of the most important is working through the financial settlement with your ex.

The financial settlement phase is, put simply, how you and your ex are going to split your current financial resources and what level of ongoing involvement you’re each going to have in each other’s financial lives.

Having Enough

One of the key questions we ask of our clients is – what does ‘having enough’ mean to you?

It’s not an easy question to answer for a few reasons:

Weaponising the Purse Strings

Money can cause divorces.

Be it not having enough, having too much, what it takes to get it, how we spend it, what we do with it, or what we teach our kids about it – talking about money can often be an emotional tightrope.

And many relationships slip, sadly.

Eggs, Money and Baskets

“Don’t put all your eggs in the one basket” – you’ve probably heard this dozens of times.

So, in the interests of research, I got to wondering if we could use eggs to illustrate some other financial concepts…

Getting Help With Your (Financial) Decisions

As I wrote in my last post, making better financial decisions has to be a conscious decision. Because making the ‘right’ decision is often difficult, and requires some sacrifice. The good news is that part of a good financial advisers service will be helping you make these decisions. In fact, they’ll make it easier for […]

Deciding to Make Better Decisions

A huge part of our work as financial advisers is protecting our clients from their worst enemy – themselves.

We’re all guilty of sabotaging our best efforts, of undermining ourselves or of setting ourselves up to fail.